Tight Rope Bunion Surgery - Find Out More


Dr. DeGroot now offers minimally invasive tight rope bunion surgery for selected patients with this condition in his orthopedic surgery practice in Newton, Massachusetts.

Tight rope surgery is a new type of bunion surgery that can be used in selected cases. The tight rope bunion may have the shortest recovery time of any corrective bunion procedure.

To make sure you get the right surgery for your condition, you should consult an orthopedic surgeon who has experience with a number of different types of bunion surgery. That way you can get the surgery that is best suited to your particular circumstances.

Dr DeGroot has published scientific articles about the use of tight ropes in the foot and ankle. and performed clinical trials to evaluate the safety and success of new minimally invasive techniques.

This type of surgery is not suitable for all patients. There are other minimally invasive techniques that are optimal for a wider range of patients. The tight rope bunion procedure is best suited to patients with moderate bunions where the amount of deformity is not severe. A moderate bunion may still be very painful, but the degree of angulation of the bones has not gotten very large.

What is a Tight Rope?

The Tight Rope is a strong suture that has a small metallic button at both ends.

The tight rope bunion operation truly corrects the bunion, rather than simply shaving off the bump. Recovery may be as short as three to four weeks. Because there is no osteotomy of the bone, patients may be able to resume full activities much sooner than if they had conventional bunion sugery.

Is It Safe?

Tight rope bunion surgery is safe when used in the appropriate patient. Contact us to find out what type of surgery is best for you.

Bunion Surgery Options

Tight Rope Bunion Correction - Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery with Osteotomy - Conventional Bunion Surgery